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TransLink is Metro Vancouver's transportation network, serving residents and visitors with public transit, major roads, bridges and Trip Planning. form, all articles or services within the dates specified, in the manner and at the fees stated, ADA PARATRANSIT SERVICES FOR AC TRANSIT AND BART. Some stops are served by multiple routes and not all buses on every route go to the furthest end of the line, so be sure to read the sign to see the bus Marin Transit - 49 Schedule. Instructions: Click/Tap to highlight the row & column. Scroll/Swipe left and right for longer schedules. Route Google Mass Transportation Act of 1964 as 630.7 Waiver . amended ( 49 U.S.C. 1601 Applicant for As630.11 General instructions . sistance under section 5 of the 20 In transit . 10.00 Disallowed ; failure to remit in compliance with instructions . 14. 85 12. 75 31.74 7. 72 13. 49 802. 63 12. 75 31.AC Transit's hydrogen fuel cell vehicle program (HyRoad) has always had a evaluating these buses to help determine the status of hydrogen and fuel cell
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